
Homework is given every Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. Homework tasks will alternate between a maths homework task set on My Maths or an English/ Topic based activity which can be chosen from the Homework grid in the homework book.


At a glance (choose what's right for you)


Listen to your child read everyday.
Read Theory independent digital comprehensions for free readers*.


Weekly spellings on EdShed*. Tested every Friday.


Khan Academy lessons pre-empting classroom lessons*.
Mathletics fortnightly questions to reinforce learning*.
TT Rockstars to reinforce times tables*.

Topic Grid & Handwriting

Optional topic grid in homework books.
Handwriting practice in homework books for children who need it.
Purple Mash activities including coding*.
*Teachers are automatically given progress updates on digital activities.  

Reading everyday

Reading everyday is crucial.  Students who read independently have greater reading comprehension, verbal fluency and general knowledge than those who do not. They become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than their non-reading peers.  

We recommend pupils read to you everyday.  Pupils who are not free-readers will have a book specifically chosen for them and this should be brought into school each day.  


We have three Math activities to choose from; Khan Academy, Mathletics and Times Tables Rockstars.  


Aimed at less confident mathematicians, Khan Academy pre-teaches your pupil our next math subject through video-based learning.  It can help with their fluency giving them a strong start and allowing them to access reasoning and problem-solving activities quicker than they might have. 


Mathletics provides quick-fire questions based on the current unit of study.  It's to reinforce learning and is aimed at all pupils.


TT Rockstars is a fun way to learn times tables.  By the end of Year 3 children should be fluent in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times tables, and then by the end of Year 4 children should know all their times tables up to 12 ie the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 times tables.


What is Read Theory?

Read Theory is an online reading comprehension tool designed to help students improve their reading comprehension skills in a fun way that keeps them attentive and motivated.

Logins have been sent home so pupils can do some extra reading comprehensions at home.

Read Theory is designed for confident readers and is not appropiate for pupils who are still in Phonics groups.  These pupils should continue to do extra reading with books sent home including the practice of blending and segmenting sounds. 

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